
Rose Bouquet in Clear Glass Vase



A bouquet of roses is a floral classic. Until they wilt and lose their petals, that is. That is something that will never happen with this gorgeous faux rose bouquet. At 11 inches wide and nine inches tall, these soft pink roses are full and realistic, set in a clear cylindrical vase with acrylic to simulate water. Requiring no care, this arrangement will retain its beauty for years. The soft color and natural style of this bouquet make it suitable for home or office. From a formal dining room to an office cubicle, this little beauty will brighten the day. Dimensions : 11"H X 11W X 9H

Please note: all faux florals and plants are custom pieces that are made to order, by hand. Please allow additional time for the fulfillment and shipment of your order.

A bouquet of roses is a floral classic. Until they wilt and lose their petals, that is. That is something that will never happen with this gorgeous faux rose bouquet. At 11 inches wide and nine inches tall, these soft pink roses are full and realistic, set in a clear cylindrical vase with acrylic to simulate water. Requiring no care, this arrangement will retain its beauty for years. The soft color and natural style of this bouquet make it suitable for home or office. From a formal dining room to an office cubicle, this little beauty will brighten the day. Dimensions : 11"H X 11W X 9H

Please note: all faux florals and plants are custom pieces that are made to order, by hand. Please allow additional time for the fulfillment and shipment of your order.

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